Reset Alarm Signal Mycom P630

About this entry

1.       Display  : Oper/Rec/OP_RC (Operation Data Record)
Press     :               Up
2.       Display  : Oper (Operating Data Record)
Press     :               Left
3.       Display  : Oper (Control and Testing)
Press     :               Down
4.       Display  : Oper/CTRL test (Loc)
Press     :               Right
5.       Display  : Oper/CTRL Test (MT_RC)
Press     :               Down
6.       Display  : Oper/CTRL Test/MT_RC (Reset Recording 2)
Press     :               Enter
7.       Display  : Oper/CTRL Test/MT_RC (Reset Recording 2)
Press     :               Pasword (Left, Right, Up, Down)
8.       Display  : Oper/CTRL Test/MT_RC/Reset Recording 2 (Don’t Excute)
Press     :               Down
9.       Display  : Oper/CTRL Test/MT_RC/Reset Recording 2 (Excute)
Press     :               Enter
10.   Wait for Loading data and reset status

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