Screw Compressors
Howden bare shaft rotary twin screw compressors are manufactured to exacting standards and are supplied globally to our partner packagers. This allies our engineering expertise with local knowledge, and enables us to provide strong support to our clients.Screw Compressors
The screw compression technology was developed by James Howden & Co. and Professor Lysholm of Svenska Rotor Maskiner in 1939. We commercialised this novel technology during the 1940s and developed the world's first oil injected controlled capacity compressors in 1961. We now provide screw compressors to the refrigeration, oil, gas and petrochemical industries world-wide.
Our compressor design with its low maintenance and high efficiency minimises operating costs. The smooth running action of the twin screws enables the compressors to handle the most difficult gases, contaminants or liquid slugs without vibration. We supply two series of bare shaft standard screw compressor units, the XRV and WRV ranges. The XRV supplies flows from 300m3/h to 1600m3/h, and the WRV from 550m3/h to 12,000m3/h.
Screw compressors are supplied by Howden Compressors Ltd
Go to the How Things Work section in the Library to find out about screw compressors
Screw Compressor Systems
Should more than a bare shaft compressor be required we will engineer a full compressor system. A typical package incorporates compressor, driver, oil management system, controls, instrumentation and additional process components such as coolers, knock out vessels, condensate removal system and scrubbers. We normally deliver each package as a fully assembled unit ready to link to the customer's process and utility interfaces thus minimising the installation and commissioning period. Attention is paid to ensure that maintenance access is fully taken into account.
Our customised package sets are designed to comply with the requirements of international standards such as API
Screw compressor systems are supplied by Howden Process Compressors.
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